Khaled Esbaqa
Khaled Saleh Abboud Esbaqa


The school of administrative and financial Sciences is considered the first nucleus of the Libyan Academy –formerly the Academy of graduate studies -. The Departments of Economics, Management and accounting were the oldest departments in it. the date of the establishment of these departments dates back to the spring semester of 1988, and this priority in the establishment did not come out of thin air, but came in response to the requirements of development and the need of society for specialized competencies in the field of administrative and financial Sciences and filling the shortage with qualified staff working in higher education institutions and private and public productive and Service economic institutions. With the increasing growth in the institutional performance of the school, it has taken on a distinguished role socially by revealing the problems facing institutions and finding solutions to them through practical research provided by professors and students and providing consultations to them. The developments of the school were also accompanied by the development of two other departments (finance, banking and marketing) and the development of a group of divisions that were included in the Departments of management, marketing, finance and banking, and in the same framework, the doctoral program was opened in the Departments of Economics, Management and accounting.


The school should be a leader in the field of graduate studies, scientific research and Consulting in the field of administrative and financial Sciences locally and internationally.


The school of administrative and financial Sciences seeks to contribute to achieving the goals and requirements of development by graduating high-quality competencies in the field of administrative and financial Sciences specialties and developing scientific and research capabilities in accordance with the requirements of society and the labor market.


The school of administrative and financial Sciences seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Laying the foundations of postgraduate studies in administrative and financial Sciences inside.
  2. Qualifying and graduating academic and professional cadres specialized in administrative and financial fields capable of meeting the needs of society and the labor market.
  3. The development of disciplines that keep pace with scientific development and the need of society.
  4. Provide the opportunity for faculty members in the field of administrative and financial Sciences to practice and develop their scientific and research activities.
  5. Building bridges between the disciplines of administrative and financial Sciences and society by contributing to solving the problems facing institutions and providing technical consultations to them.
  6. Dissemination of knowledge in the fields of administrative and financial sciences through the organization of conferences, seminars, scientific discussions, carrying out copywriting, publishing and translation work.
  7. Cooperation and exchange with corresponding educational institutions at home and abroad.